Catherine (Cat) is a small town author of "The Key to Her Heart" and pursuing publication of her next novel "Patrick's Rose". This is a chronicle of her endeavors, reviews of other great novels, journeys, lessons learned, and life lived as she pursues her goal and lifelong dream of authorship.
Monday, March 30, 2015
I thinking of Easter and how last week really sucked! The problem is I need to be working on the book instead of even being here writing to whatever audience I have left after being so haphazard with my posts.
In so many places I feel STUCK, just like my titled says. God keeps telling me to trust Him. I'm trying. And I hate that I am always posting about my problems! It is frustrating to me, and so I am sure it is to others.
But here I a am again. This is a glorified journal I am beginning to believe.
Well if your interested in my life between my ears-- here you go! Sorry for the sarcasm but that is me most of the time-- especially lately. So I thought maybe posting this would get me back to thinking about what I am suppose to be doing and that is writing! This is short and aggravating. For that I am sorry, but it is where things are. Hope you don't mind.
This is Cat out.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
My Sissy Chrissy
I am with my sister at the hospital. She is having a hystrectomy and I had to ask how to spell that BIG word. Anyway I am here with her praying for her. Honestly I am scared shitless for her, but I am doing my best to trust God is with her and will take care of her. I love her so much and worry about the day when it comes to her final day. I want her life to be awesome instead I know it has been hard for her. Many times my prayers center over that fact. Some of her problems she has made herself and I know some people have judged her for it, but I feel her pain and I love her to much to see harshly. She is my sister. And despite her faults I love her so very much. I hope and pray that everything goes well. My fear is losing her. I think about that each time she does something she shouldn't and each time she ends up in the hospital. Everytime I get a call that she has passed out or gone to the ER for her heart issues I pray. Each day in my prayer time I pray for her and pray for her best. But what brings tears is I know there will be the day when I get that call... I don't want to think about it... I do anyway. If I had the choice I would make every day awesome for her. I am not God. I am only her sister. So this is where I am. Please pray for my Sissy Chris. And even if you know her don't be harsh. Because she has had more than her fair share of sorrow and pain and lost many battles. I just ask for your prayers for her.
This is Cat out.