So around the time of my last post my computer started having issues... Like it would turn itself off at odd times, and once in a while would overheat. So my super techie husband says "I think it's a cooling fan issue." I am not a techie at all-- not one ounce-- nada. So I say "Well can we fix it?" He groans. Translation, not easily, and not les expensive than getting a newer one.
We were only a few days away from Black Friday anyhow, and I had wanted to get something more portable-- and with more battery life, but until this issue came up had given up on it because our finances aren't the greatest. But this was a big deal. With trying to get The Key to Her Heart out and now doing all the stuff to get it noticed a computer is a must.
So long story short I got a new lap top. It's smaller and more portable with Windows 8 which is a little bit a pain in the butt!
For the most part I like it, but because I am not a techie this has been-- shall we say-- an interesting transition. I think I want to just stick with this machine for a long time because trying to get things transferred over and working, and me learning how to get places all over again is a little like teaching an older cat new tricks-- it doesn't work and the claws sometimes come out when I don't mean for them too. So excuse me for not posting in so long, but here is my first post since I got my new computer-- Computie-- that's the name of all my computers.
I tend to name things. My van's name is Midnight. We once had a house I named-- I haven't done that recently. Mainly that is because that turned out to be my least favorite house of all the ones we have lived in. When I had my ileostomy I named my stoma though. Alright that is kinda of gross, so lets drop this. Computie and I are trying to become friends, but that might take a little longer. At least it travels well which should help with all the book stuff, especially as I am working on Patrick's Rose to get it ready for publication sometime in the spring-- we'll see. It needs a lot of attention, but so does publicity for The Key to Her Heart. Busy busy busy-- that seems like the tune to my life. Not that I mind. I like the busy. Anyway I am rambling, so I'm going to sign out for right now.
This is Cat out!
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