Yesterday Peter and I talked with a counselor who with ALOT of questions determined that Peter is dealing with huge abandonment issues-- also termed as Reactive Attachment Disorder. The other thing she determined is his anxiety and anger is mixed in there too. The brain issues are a separate issue. We will have to work through some things to figure out how much of the issue they are. At least it is nice to know it is not all the brain issues. It also is better having more answers and knowing there is help out there to make a change.
Yesterday evening Peter went to a youth event, and came home quite different. He committed to a 33 day prayer retreat. Now whether he will keep up with it I do not know, but at least there is something inside of him that is calling out to God.
Besides that it was a day that at several points I got a break. That was yesterday, and I feel blessed to have received a very peaceful day with a loving son and a few answers. Today not so much. Peter has been argumentative all day and what I call 'twitchy' which is my way of saying he jumps around emotionally and gets worked up about almost everything. Today he wasn't as twitchy as he can be, but still there were several points that he directly attacked whatever I was doing. When he is twitchy he isn't able to reason or understand what you are trying to explain. He will go in circles and get upset over and over even if it makes no sense. He got upset because I was going to do errands with Hope, even though he had the morning with me. He decided he was going with me even though I had told him no-- so he ran to the car and tried to get in then refused to go back inside. He was yelling and upset then he was crying. When I came back he was calmer until I came inside, then the battle started up again. I decided taking a nap with my granddaughter was a better place for me. By the time I woke up he was at soccer practice. When he got home he was a little calmer for awhile, then tonight before bed he started up again. Now he's gone to bed so hopefully I can close out this day with writing.
So for a couple hours I am going to attempted to work on Patrick's Rose. I haven't had a chance in the last week, and working on my manuscript is therapeutic when I'm stressed out. Yesterday was a blessing, but today --well it was a little more painful. That's how it goes. I am happy for yesterday and that is my blessing. But today I need some stress relief. So hopefully after I make this post I'll be able to make some progress on Patrick's Rose. We shall see.
Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. Perhaps tonight I'll actually get some time to work on my book! So this is Cat out with a hopeful prayer that things will go better tonight and tomorrow.
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