Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What have we become???

Marketing The Key to Her Heart has exposed me more to social media than ever before.  I am a person who very rarely watches television... Even the news.  To find out what is going on in the world I sometimes will do a search when my husband tells me of an event going on.  Lately I've been on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and numerous other sites.  That has brought me into contact to reading many articles, and dealing with things that have been bothersome to say the least.  How do we change what this world has become?

A couple days ago I read a few different articles on a topic that has haunted me.  You see I am an author that has written a story about a woman who is violently raped and hunted, and ultimately she is able to heal, love and begin to live life as a survivor instead of a victim.  But I read about women being kidnapped, sold into sexual slavery and repeatedly raped even if they are close to death.  Some of the women are just girls as young as six years old...  That's only a little more than a year older than my precious little Tory.  I just cannot imagine.

Most of these girls and women are never recovered unless they are sold back to their families for thousands of dollars.  Many of them are shot if they refuse to allow themselves to be sexually tortured.  One of the pieces I read was about a teenager who tried to commit suicide instead of facing what was being done to her.  Her 'owner' told her there was worse for her when she was given back to him...  I do not know if she escaped...  Maybe so because someone wrote about her.

Why is this not as popular as a lion that was killed?  That was the question of another girl.  I ask the same question.  Why are we not attacking continuously until this is stopped?  Why aren't we helping the families this is happening to?  Instead we are worried about a statue of Jefferson Davis.  We are freaking out about the type of flags being sold while we turn a blind eyes to a slave trade much more hideous than what happened here in America before the 1860s.  Women are property.  Little girls are sex toys.  What have we become?

These women and girls have no hope of recovery if someone doesn't care.  They have no way of escape unless someone acts.  I will pray for them, and at the same time I will pray for our souls.  I will pray our stony hearts once more become fleshy.  Who will go and save them?  Who will start hunting down these beasts who would care so little about the least of us?  They are just as much a part of us as anyone.  What if it was your daughter?  Your sister? Your wife?  Your mother? Your girlfriend?  Would you allow someone to do this?  It's happening. Over and over and over.  What are you going to do?

Maybe...  I thought to myself if I presented this to someone maybe they would have power enough to gather an army against ISIS and these Jihad sexual predators!  Who do they think they are?  And why do they think they have any right to rape women and little girls?  I think they need to get their peckers back in their pants and reevaluate their priorities.  That's me putting it nicely and less bluntly than I would like to.  Why do we care so little for this and so much for things that don't make a hill of beans of difference?  Are people of so little value to us?  Why does our regime care so little?  Our President should be hot on their tails, but instead this isn't mentioned.  ISIS is doing "ethnic cleansing".  No they are stealing, selling, killing, and screwing women against their will (in America that is called raped)-- as long as they are not from good Muslim families! Let us get it straight for once .  Below are some of the articles I read.  I figured you could read them yourself.  Count it as a bibliography it is only three pieces.  I think I read about five different articles.  Honestly I stopped reading because the thought made me so sick...  Please if you know someone that can help make a difference pass this on.

Cat's not out on this one... Just taking a break to breath.

A few of the articles I read.

https://www.thefederalistpapers.org/world/isis-is-kidnapping-young-girls-and-taking-them-to-market-for-this  Here is one of the articles I read.

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/14/insider/kidnapping-and-sex-slavery-covering-isiss-religious-justification-for-rape.html?_r=0 This is an interview with a reporter that was there and talked to some of the victims.

This article has way more information than I ever wanted to know, but if you ever questioned whether it was true.  The case was made

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