A friend of mine, today, had someone post a horribly nasty 'note' on their Facebook account, publicly, where any one that also saw the picture this friend had posted could read it. It was so defaming, so untrue, and terribly attacked my friend's character, yet this person was 'supposedly' upset over the issue my friend presented.
Shock filled me. It was a long well written post. You could tell they had thought about it before writing it, and had spent considerable time crafting their response, but it was so filled with hate and anger, and maybe even hurt. I mean, this person was passionate about what they felt like my friend had done wrong-- to the point of seeming to hate her personally, not just the issue that they felt like she had wrong. To top it off, it was so full of either complete misunderstanding, or out and out lies, that I could not help but respond. As much as I could I tried to stick to the issues that were brought up, and the facts as I know them instead of lowering myself to attacking character.

Even if not a super close friend?
Has anyone had this happen before? I'm sure someone has, but I am just trying to understand this and make sense of this. I can't really accept the thought of the person being a troll, because to my knowledge they have never done this to anyone before.
If they felt so hurt, or upset, wouldn't they go to the person privately? But in such a public format--
It just shocked me.
It probably isn't my business, but it was just vicious and very wrong (both content and how they went about it). I felt as if I had to speak to defend my friend's honor.

Thank you for reading this, and listening, and for any responses you choose to send my way (in advance thank you.)
This is Cat out.
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