My son's swimming party was today. His friends showed up (that alone is a big deal in this family). He was elated, and it was the easiest birthday party I have ever put on!
Moms listen! I'm am telling you, this party was a no brainer for me. That was a good thing too, because I have gotten one normal night's sleep all toll if you combine all the nights this week!
Alright I've got to tell you about this party from the Mom perspective. My daughter, Hope, made cupcakes. We bought a few snacks and drinks. My husband took over the buying of Peter's birthday presents (And did it this morning none the less!!) Then with a bag of paper goods, plastic utensils, plastic cups, our swimming stuff, and, the most important part to Peter, presents we headed to the pool.
This pool is the bomb! It's the pool that's like a mini water park without the almost twenty dollar a piece price tag.
We quickly ate some snacks, had cupcakes, opened presents, and after that everyone really, REALLY wanted to get into the water. So there were no games to think up or prizes to buy and wrap, and once they were in the pool I think I saw my son and his friends all of three times in four hours!
And! This is the best part! They all had a blast!
It cost just over a hundred bucks including swimming pool admission and printed invitations (hint-- my Hopie daughter works at the copy shop, and so she tells me when they have a good deal going on. I went there while she was at work. She helped design the invitation and was the one to print them out for me!).
He had six friends there, his sisters, Tory, Ali, Todd, and me. The womb warped twins played for the whole four hours too! So it not only worked for a bunch of ten through twelve year olds, but two two year olds loved it. And while the kids had so much fun, the adults got a much deserved and enjoyed swim break. That was a perfect b-day party from this Mom's perspective.
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