Sunday, July 7, 2013

Land of the Watched and Home of the Silent

Snowden made a very interesting comment and I wanted to cheer for what he said.  I have it below here, so you can read it for yourself, then I'll continue my post.

The reality is Snowden is right.  The question is are we going to be?  I don't know how I can demand 'the constitutional government I was promised'.  I know I am angry and upset about the way things are going, especially in the last year.  I am tired of being ignored--  Pissed at being trampled just because I believe in The Creator.  I'm downright shaking in my shoes at what I see.  Disgusted at the moral choices that our Godless government seems to be making over and over and over.  After saying that I'll probably be on some kind of freaking watch list!  So be it!
Are we turning into everything in years past we fought against?  The enemy doesn't seem to be the politics in other countries as much as the politics in our own backyard.  I know there are problems around the world, and I know we have staged ourselves for a hostile takeover when we least expect it.  --Oh wait...  Isn't that what's happening now?  So how can we stand up and demand what our forefathers promised us?  Can we be the beacon of light we used to be once more?  I don't know.  Honestly I'd given up until just recently.  But relooking at my writing and getting on the social media sites kinda woke me up.  I am tired of being silent, and though I am only one person I can speak, and maybe there are others like me who have decided being quiet doesn't work.  You know who you are, and maybe like me you are tired of people you don't even know putting you down for the ideals you carry deep in your soul--  You know the stuff so tightly woven with who you are that it is the essence of your very breath.  For me it is dignity for all creation, and belief that we don't have the right to take away life, and that each person has the intrinsic right to freedom-- freedom of speech, freedom to have truth, freedom to believe, freedom to criticize if they so choose, freedom to raise their children the way they feel God is leading, freedom to be an individual not a possession of the state, freedom to work hard and keep most of their earnings for their own need not for the powers that be to tax them to death and then take away their ability to choose how they want to meet what those in authority think should be their needs, and most of all freedom to be themselves not a drone spewing out what lifeless tidbits that they have been brainwashed to believe.
I like freedom and I'm sick of watching our freedoms disappear while we still claim to be the country with the most liberty.  It's a lie!  Somehow our liberty has run and hid, and we must search it out and wave it over our country and once more be the beacon of light--  Maybe my part is right here writing, but I don't think that's all. So I plan to figure out how we demand our constitutional government, and hopefully you will too.  For me this is where I start-- This and prayer asking God how he wants to proceed.  But I already know he doesn't want me to be quiet anymore, and I tend to have a habit of doing things His way--  So be prepared.

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