I am sitting here finally having a day to work on details. Actually tiny details-- like deciding what image I want at chapter titles. Sounds small, but I am told those small formatting decisions make a huge difference, so I am searching for the perfect key. I'm not sure I'm going to find it, so I may have Rebecca draw it for me. This is being said after spending the last five hours looking through about ten thousand different vintage/old keys! The internet is an amazing thing! I say this in defense of my exhaustive search. I did find about five to ten possibilities, believe it or not. Next detail is chapter titles. Fun! But it's slowly getting ready to be published. Rebecca finished the picture for the cover, and so Thursday we begin the process of building a cover! I am so stoked! So maybe this weekend I'll be able to download the cover onto my website and here on my blog for everyone to see. How exciting! You, my readers, have been with me for this journey so you should be the first to see the first fruits!
This seems like alot of things we do in life. At first we can't see how things are going to look, but then we begin with little steps. As we make those little steps our dream begins to take form. I think of relationships. When we first meet that right person we have no clue (for the most part) and then we get to know the person, and as we do we hope, but we still don't quite see it yet. Then we continue, not really knowing exactly what we are doing, and finally there comes that day when we know. Even then we are still a little sheepish about what we should do. Do we tell the person how we feel? Do we play it cool? We finally after great deliberation (for some) make the leap, and if everything is going right the person we are involved with is in the same place. It proceeds, sometimes rough, sometimes peaceful, but it continues until there's another day that the couple decides they don't ever want to be apart. Finally they decide to tie the knot-- Huge amounts of planning go in, and finally what could have been is real, a new family is formed. But at first that doesn't seem possible. It happens in little steps.
It's the same with finding a job. First you canvas a vast number of possible employers with resumes and applications. Then you spend time talking to them on the phone and/or in person trying to get an interview. After that it's the interview process-- And that is a process these days! Then finally the day comes when you get the job. Did you know you would have that particular job when you started? Probably not. But you knew there would be something. As it went along you started to see what would be.
That's kinda like The Key to Her Heart. I knew someday I would publish. I even knew I wanted to go with at format that allowed for e-books. I like the concept of publishing via the internet. What I had no clue of was how everything had changed since I first heard of internet publishing twelve or so years ago. I also had no clue that I would do this in a completely independent way. I didn't have a clue what my cover would look like, or that I would have a target date of November 5, 2013 for release of The Key to Her Heart. So I am watching this all happen little piece by tiny piece. And it is exciting because my dream is taking flight! This gives me so much joy. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful this journey is for me. I hope for the same kind joy for everyone around me. My prayer for all of you is for your dreams to get wings to fly because it is exhilarating!
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