Alright, I know that's a weird title, maybe you are wondering, "Hey Cat, what's up?" Well here you go I'm going to tell you! I met alot of really nice people today and had some awesome conversations too. That part was super duper great. There was one person that in his mannerisms, speech, and even appearance reminded me of someone I knew twenty some odd years ago when I still lived in the Riverside area where I grew up.
It was kinda interesting because quite honest he was a dead ringer, and seemed to almost act as if he knew me, but he never really said. I didn't speak my thought because I wasn't sure-- after twenty plus years who could be sure? Besides I am in a small town in Northern Iowa, and though, being honest, I have searched a little on facebook to see what came of said person in months past have never had any success finding anything.
Besides this is a person I haven't had any contact with since Meg was a year old! What would make me think he would come here? Really? You could tell he was not from Iowa. Laugh if you will, but there is a certain way Iowans act, dress, and carry themselves that you just know who's native born, transplant, or just passing through. He definitely was passing through. In fact he very much looked like someone from Southern Cali-- Which again really has me wondering is it possible that he is a blast from the past? Then again my logic turns on me and says "Really? You are just bugging!" Excuse the slang, but it just seems to fit-- even Meg says so!
Meg also has her opinion that it could be said person-- She would almost bet on it, especially after talking to a friend who knew him when I did, and showing her a picture Meg took. My friend swore it was him! Honestly I just don't know what to think-- except God sure does have a sense of humor-- at least in my life. What else will happen on this new adventure? I just raised a half way amused eyebrow to that thought and once more I'm back to wondering was it my old friend from years past?
Perhaps I will never know. He didn't say he knew me and didn't leave a card with a last name, so maybe he didn't really want me to know who he was, and I guess that's alright. Except darn it! I would really like to know! One way or another I had a blast from the past!
Hey! Wishing everyone a good laugh on my silly account :) And if I find out it was my friend from years ago I'll let you know!
This is Cat out.
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