Today my cute little Tory turned three years old!
Tory held up three fingers to show how old she was, but just as Todd clicked the picture she decided five fingers was much better! |
She is funny and cute and the light of my life! She's ornery and will tell you just what she thinks whether you want to hear it or not! She scolds Peter "Peter listen to Grandma!" when he's not doing what he's suppose to and then turns around laughing as he gets upset at her for 'acting like his mother'. She still loves her bottle, and she is slowly potty training, but she hates underpants. She would rather just wear her pant or go bare but (her personal favorite for potty training days). She's got more attitude and spunk than a teenager, but always has a smile. Watch out if she gets upset; her anger is silent and hidden. She won't pout or scream. She just will scowl once in awhile and do exactly opposite as you want her to do. Everything has her own time table. She is way ahead of most preschoolers in speech and at the same time taking her time learning her colors. This week she decided to suck her thumb though she never sucked her thumb as a baby. We dare not say anything, hoping it will pass in another week or so. Baby dolls are her favorite things. Chasing our two cats gives her the giggles, and using a cleaning wipe to clean door handles she thinks is one of the best activities around (well for five or ten minutes at least). A month ago she went to the movie theater to see Frozen, and now asks Aunt Hope to sing the 'snowman song' to her everyday and proceeds to sing with her when she does. She jumps, skips, walks, pounces on Peter or the cats, and gallops, but you won't see her run. It just won't happen. She has the ability, but doesn't like to. If I was to sum up Tory into one sentence (it would be close to impossible) I'd say something like -- She has her own thoughts and her own time table always served with a smile or a giggle and a funny little comeback spoken with spunk. For being so young she fills big steps, and she sure has taken over all our lives beautifully in just three years!
The princess all tuckered out from her very busy birthday with her very favorite pink bottle (no other bottle will do). |
Today was a full day. In the morning she followed Todd and Hope around while I tried to write on here (It didn't go well. My original entry got eaten by cyberspace!). Then Hope and I took her shopping-- She is a princess and shopping is one of her favorite activities-- I shutter to think what teenagerhood is going to be like! We went to Toys R Us and let her loose. She had a blast picking out a baby doll. Next we went to Target and there she picked out a small rolling suitcase for our up coming trip-- She's been asking to go to the beach and play in the sand for months. In three weeks we are going to visit her great grandparents in Florida. By the time we got out of Target she had laid her head down and was asleep in the shopping cart.
Hope and I brought her home, and she woke up and got her bath. Then she played downstairs and ate dinner. After watching a movie with Peter she asked to go to bed because she was tired. The above picture is after Todd carried her upstairs while I worked on writing this post.
Here is Tory posing for Grandpa to take her picture because I told her I was going to write about her. She's my ballerina princess. She is dressed in two of her favorite things anything pink and Minnie Mouse. |
I am so glad and privileged to be her mama & grandma. Happy Birthday to my three year old princess!
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