I've been on Twitter half the night, and reading everything the people who follow me and I follow have to say. I'm in the company of alot of conservatives and I don't mind really because I'm pretty conservative. I'm also in the company of alot of angry Americans and again I don't mind because I tend to be pretty angry at what I see happening in our country. Usually I don't write here about this, but on Twitter there just isn't enough space to talk about what needs to be talked about.
It is not about who's right and who's wrong really when it comes right down to it. It is about what we have lost. Our country isn't ruled by our founding document- The Constitution anymore. Let's just face it.
We've wanted more and it was denying us all we wanted. It was written in hopes of it ruling how our country is run. The problem was it wasn't big enough for a country who has lost its morals, its goodness, and its reason. That is where we are.
We are a feely bunch on the whole. We want everyone to have an easy time even at the expense (both literally and figuratively) of those that are working their asses off day in and day out. We want our money even if we have to get rid of the gold standard. We want everyone to be able to own a house even if they haven't worked and planned for it. We want healthcare even for those who don't want it for themselves. We want those who-- ummm shall we say-- make a mistake to be able to take the life of the gift they were given. We want to live without consequences to our actions. We want to believe that we can do what ever we want and it doesn't matter who we hurt. We basically want our decadent cake and we want to shove it all in our own faces without gaining any weight or without sharing it because after all it is ours.
The problem is that makes everyone else pays for what we want. The taxpayer pays more. The child loses the chance to live. The mortgage market becomes so tight no one can get money to buy a house even those that have planned and been careful. The man forgets that the woman is not just there for his use and abuse. Our money is worthless. The elderly are ignored. The soldier is forgotten. The single mom trying to raise her kids and working hard has no kindness. The victim has no way to heal. Children are left to the system to be raised. Fathers leave their families. Mother forget to mother. Murder sky rockets. Crime in general goes out of control. Children don't learn the basics of common goodness within the family structure because it no longer exists. Selfishness reigns supreme.
If we say 'I can do whatever I want' or 'It doesn't matter what I do because it only hurts me' we are forgetting everyone around us. Everything we do effects all those that are around us. Child abuse, spousal abuse, and rape all are because of our inability to put someone ahead of our wants. Theft happens because we can't wait for what we want or we refuse to put actual effort into work. Murder happens because we don't reign in our anger or passion. No law can regulate the human heart. No law is going to make us moral. We cannot go back to using the Constitution as our governing document until we learn the basics of governing our personal lives.
Until we can say 'I am going to do right because he/she matters as much as I do' we are lost. When we make a practice of going to the nursing homes and spending time with the residents each week we give honor to those that fought for us to come into this world. When we lean down to our child's level and teach them why it is important to do their best job we give honor to our future. When we choose to learn from our mistakes and try to do better we begin to be healthy. When fathers come back to their homes and help raise their children we change the next generation. When we turn off the television and play a game in the evening instead we spread peace within our home and every person involved feels valued. When we come along side the hurting, overworked, or burdened person and ask 'How can I help?' we show compassion and concern to a needy world. When we put someone ahead of our wants the world becomes a better place. When we control our spending and stay on budget we begin to heal our economy. It starts in our little space in the world.
The state can't do it. Welfare can't do it. It starts with you and me. It starts with realizing we can't fix everybody, but you can help where it is needed and warranted. The hardest thing I had to do was allow my twenty year old daughter to be homeless. She learned to work, then I could help her to get back on her feet. At the same time my sixteen year old works her boody off and then her car broke down. I jumped to be her helper. Friends of my children know me as Mom because I have at times housed them, helped them heal their wounds, listened to them, and corrected them. My mom counts me as her friend because we talk several times a week even though we live two thousand miles apart. My sister is sober and clean because I had her committed to a drug program. When I did it she called me every name in the book, and told me she would never forgive me. My biological mother had tears and told me she wished someone had cared enough to do that for her. Now my sister is grateful. Her daughter has her mother. My daughter who is a working single mother I help by watching her son while she works. These are the things I can do. Hopefully it will inspire some to look around to see who they have forgotten. We are not here for ourselves but for the people around us. The state can't legislate it, and welfare can never go as far as concerned caring citizens.
Here's the deal. If those of us who could-- did. We wouldn't need welfare, and then because it's alot harder to swindle caring people who have loved and been kind to you than it is a stone government without a face, we would get rid of our entitlement issues. If parents taught their children to work hard, how good it feels to do a good job, and how important honesty is crime would be cut. If families came along side our young single mothers and cared about her and her children the children would grow up and not repeat her same pattern. They would see family life at its best. If people said no to themselves sometimes the whole world would benefit. Date rape would cease to exist. Abortion rates would definitely be cut, and so would the load of debt so many carry in this country. If fathers simply cared about their children and their children's mothers and invested their time in the family they made we could turn this country around in one generation.
Once we work on our response to those around us, then we can work on our country. Honestly our political system needs an overhaul if we are ever to go back to the Constitution. But so do we. I cannot overhaul the country. I am sure there are some out there that could. But I can speak out. I can help those around me. I can donate part of what I make from my book to organizations that help others that need the help. I can do the best I can to raise my children. I can be careful with my finances. I can vote. I can help a single mother. I can adopt a child. I can give food to the local food pantry. I can love those that seem the most unlovable. I can forgive those who hurt me in the past. I can teach others to do these things. These are the things I am trying to do, and teaching my family to do.
What can you do? Because complaining does nothing. Do you want to change the system? Then if you can-- do. Don't stop even if it's painful-- and I promise it will be. People will not understand. They will ask you why you care so much. They will not understand that our problem is not caring too much, but caring so little. But you can tell them 'I'm changing this country in the only way I can.'
Then if alot of us do this then we can bring back a constitutional country and we can be proud Americans instead of angry ones. Our crime rate would be low. Welfare wouldn't be needed. Taxes would then be lower. People in general would be happier. We could once again call ourselves a moral people. The Constitution was written for such a country. But now the way we have left this land it doesn't work, and that is truly sad.
So are you willing? Just being a voice piece isn't enough. Put your action where your words are. We can change things, but it isn't just by political action or complaining on Facebook or Twitter. We must change our little corner of this land.
This is Cat out hoping that all of you that read this take up the challenge.
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