Monday, July 7, 2014

A simple declaration.

I am half way sitting here, half way laying holding my beautiful little Tory as she zzzzs her nap away and thinking about the last several days.  I know I've posted more than ever before.  But finally realized how wrong I am if I do not speak up when I have the power to do so.

It's not just about my book, though that is what got me started in these social media forums.
It is about speaking what is right even if I'm speaking what others do not want to hear.
It is not about arguing.  For it is not my job to force others to agree.  That would negate freedom.
It is about speaking so those that can accept and need to hear can and encouraging those individuals to do what ever they have the power to do to effect change.
I have the power to speak.
I have the ability to make my voice heard.
I am not a politician but I am a voter and a citizen of this country.
I am a mother, a grandmother, a wife, a daughter, a granddaughter, a sister, a friend, a victim turned survivor, a writer, a patriot, but more than anything a Jesus follower.
For all of these things that I am I must speak out and never be silent.
It doesn't matter the trouble I get in for speaking.  There are those out there that will be getting in alot more trouble for acting out as patriots and Christians.

I make this declaration to them. 

I will in all my power speak for them if I am given the chance.
I will also speak for the weak, unprotected and powerless as scripture calls us to do.
I will do whatever I can with my handy computer keys and any outlet I am a part of to let their cause be known.
I will speak the truth even when it hurts.
I will stand up and call whoever will listen to attention even if everyone else is sitting.

There are so many out there that have much more power than I do to change this country back to the constitutional country it was meant to be, but lets face it the pen is mighty in and of itself.  Why else do we have social media?  Expression, yes, but because our little tidbits help each other, inform each other, and allow us to work together to change this world.

Guess what????  My giftings are in speaking in written form!  So my part of this is to speak out.  I swear to you my fellow patriots I will never be quiet as long as there is still a need of someone to speak!

So all of you patriots do what you can and so will I.  If God brings the ability to additional action to help our country I will not fail to listen and act, but right now, here where I am, this is what I have been called to do and I promise I will continue.  I believe in all my heart we can make a change and difference if each of us does our part.  Are you with me?

This Cat out.

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