Sunday, July 6, 2014

Nerium test Day 1

This post is something completely new for me-- bear with me because I realize I have posted quite a bit especially the last few days, but the type of posting this is is new.

My nautropath and I talked today.  She peeked my interest with a skin care product called Nerium AD.  It's an anti-aging cream and though I get compliments alot about looking younger than my age I want to stay that way,  Plus it's suppose to be all natural, and have amazing results.  She also thinks it an awesome company.

Now she is a person that I listen to.  She is well respected and she is smart.  She doesn't just willy-nilly put her trust in anything, and she is a conscience person.  To top it off she is a very smart and instinctive person.  So if she wants to tell me about this company and their product I am going to hear her out and give stock to what she says.

I am a completely anti-chem girl.  Even my laundry detergent is organic as is everything I put on my body and most of what I put in my body too.  Yes for any one wondering I tend to be anti-antibiotics and even anti-aspirin.  My worst offense is probably coffee and that is not a habit only a treat.  I am one of those real weirdos that love fresh carrot juice and live for a really good spring mix salad with Feta cheese and young fresh veggies of all kinds.  Top it with cilantro avocado dressing and I've just described my dinner tonight after I came home from getting my hair cut.

So anyway back to my mission here.  Both Hope and Megan upon researching the company found some disturbing reports from various sources.

 Now to recap I trust my nautropath and I don't generally trust 'reports', but I also am a realist.  I know anyone can be duped.  I consider myself to be reasonably smart, but I am not above believing something that is not true and finding out days, months, or even years later.  Then I feel like an ass. ' Really don't like when that happens and I tend to be cautious so it doesn't happen often anymore.

Call me a skeptic or cynical, or whatever, but I wasn't just ready to run with this until I knew what to believe.  Besides if the reports would prove to be true I would want my health care provider to know because she is a good person and would not be purposefully trying to sell something that could cause harm.  I know her and I know her care and love for people.  Then what is the answer?

I agreed I'd try the product for five days.  Well I figured if I liked it I would be telling everyone about it anyway.  Add it up.  I decided to do this 'live' if you will.  This is day 1.

 I used Nerium AD night cream tonight right before posting this.  I have pictures before, and after. I'll share those tomorrow because my wonder daughter who helps me with tech stuff has gone to bed already. I'll post each day for the next five days and tell you what I think of it.  I'll also post the pictures of each evening I use it.  Then I will stop using it for a week, and I will take pictures then, because it is not just how your skin does when you are using a product, but how does your skin do if you stop it?  Does it actually make the skin healthier or just appear that way and then have it fall apart when the product is out of stock or can't be afforded or what have you?  If it is actually doing what they say, then my skin will be better for it after I stop too.  And I will know it actually made it better.  I have extremely sensitive skin and it rashes up or feels it's on fire easily.   So this is also a test for those that do have tender skin.

My girls are a little concerned because the main ingredient is Oleander which by all accounts is poisonous, though natural-- that debate is a whole different post.  It's a bio-engineering company that has developed it, and pharmaceutical and bio-engineering go hand in hand so I am super skeptical just because of that.  It's direct marketing so that to me is suspect.  I've done my fair share of direct marketing sales and I realize the super pitfalls and am not a fan. All in all if something goes astronomically wrong with this I will not be surprised, but if it goes right then what?

Honestly if I would even think I would want to sell it I have to be sure it's something I could endorse.  I have a code of ethics-- a deep moral code.  I will not lie to people. --No matter what.  I also will not pretend to be something I am not, and tell someone this is a great product unless I have used myself and can stand by it.

Beyond everything else there is an even more important reason to do this.  My mom is the anti-aging market's favorite buyer.  If this works then I have her dream gift, but I would never send it to her or even tell her about it unless I knew it was completely safe and beneficial.  I wouldn't do that to anyone else's mom either.  So I am using myself as the test mouse.  Hey why not?

Soooo, please tune in and watch each day.  Weigh in on the pictures and tell me if you see a difference-- either positive or negative.  Even tell me how totally absurd I am!  You are right if you think that-- I am.  Ask my daughters they will tell you!  But please be a part of this because this is really different and I really don't know how this is going to go. Talk to you tomorrow evening-- or before???

This is Cat out.

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