I've got a question that maybe you can help me answer. Why do some people think that their opinion is worth tearing people down for? Isn't it alright to agree to disagree? Maybe when we forget others are people also we forget dignity? I realize I am opinionated, and I'll be quite honest I believe my stance is the right one, but my faith also tells me 'as far as it is possible with me to keep at peace with everyone'. So that means allowing others to have their beliefs and their choices even if I completely disagree. Even my second oldest daughter who is against everything I am for and vise versa would never call me or anyone names over it or threaten me in any way.
So tell me why would a stranger who has never even met me, or knows anything about me-- including the fact that I have moved almost two months ago-- call me every disgusting derogatory foul name in the book and threaten me? This person does not even know why I have made the stands I have. He does not understand the hell that both I and my family have gone through, or why I am going to continue to stand up for what I believe.
Let me clarify myself for anyone reading this. I am a forty something year old woman with five children 3 of which are grown and two of which are adopted. I have helped both my middle sister and my middle daughter with destructive life choices that could have led to their demise. My biological mother died from being an alcoholic two years ago and my biological father died from the same some time after that. Three of my children have some form of autism and one has ADHD. Three years ago my oldest daughter was raped resulting in her becoming pregnant. She was advised by many to have an abortion. Yes it was her choice, and she choose to parent her son. He is one of the biggest blessing in her life, and she credits choosing life for him as one of the biggest things that helped her heal from the rape. At the same time that my oldest was pregnant so was my seventeen year old. She gave birth to a little girl that her father and I adopted. I could go on.
To the person who spoke so haphazardly:
Please if you do not know me don't assume who I am. I am an intelligent woman who has chosen to live a conservative life and I get flack for it every day either by the media or by having to shut my mouth when someone that thinks they know everything about everything begins to spout off about something they have never experienced. I can tell you every time that has happen I could have talked the person down very quickly because I had been through what they thought they knew so much about, but what good would have that done either of us? I decided on peace instead. Sometimes I got to know the person and they realized their error later. Sometimes not. I also choose to live in a country that once promised freedom even to our most vulnerable. I have freedom to believe as I choose, and so do you. I am not forced to agree with you, and you are not forced to agree with me. I have the freedom to speak out and so do you. My personal code of ethics will not allow myself to tear you down even if I completely disagree. Your freedom allows you to attack me with words that you cannot back up, and obviously if you would lower yourself to do that you do not have a personal code of ethics that I can begin to understand. You have the freedom that you could do that. I still have the freedom to speak out, and so I shall.--not against you, but what I believe is wrong.
I believe Obama should be impeached and removed from office. #OiP #DClisten
I believe that every person was born with dignity that cannot be taken away.
I believe our country should defend all it's citizen-- especially it's freedom fighters when they have been held without trial in another country.
I believe that abortion is wrong. I will fight against it, but I will not defy a woman's dignity doing it. In the end it is a woman's choice whether she chooses to allow her child to be murdered. Though is it alright to murder? I don't believe so. If I encounter this woman before she makes this choice I will offer her all the help I can, and I will do all in my power to help her protect her baby's life.
I don't believe it is alright for the President of the United States to be a bully around the world when he doesn't need to be, and to be a pacifist when he needs to be standing up for American citizens.
To me Benghazi was wrong.
The marine in a Mexican jail is an atrocity and should have already been released and brought home.
I don't believe the IRS should be treating religious organizations as if they are criminals.
Honestly I think the IRS should be disbanded and we should go to some kind of fair government tax based on purchases.
I don't believe half my income should be going to the government. It is though.
I don't believe families that are poor should be stuck on welfare because of being penalized if they are trying hard to support themselves while the ones that do nothing are rewarded.
I don't believe Hobby Lobby winning was a bad thing. It actually gives me hope that there is still religious freedom in this country.
And the final point is-- this one is going to get me in a whole bunch of heat, but it is what it is. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman.
You may not agree with me on any of these things, or you may hold the same beliefs. I don't know. I do know that this is my country just as it is yours, and I will defend what I believe with my actions and my words in my everyday life and here in writing. You have the right and freedom to do the same. But calling anyone a whole bunch of unsavory names and threatening them in any form does nothing but belittle who you think you are. It makes one look weak, petty, and unschooled. I don't think any of us want to be viewed that way no matter where our beliefs are.
The other thing it really does not change what I am going to do. I just makes me think you are afraid that people of my persuasion might actually change things. And wouldn't that be wonderful??? Have a wonderful day.
This is Cat out.
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