Yesterday obviously was Independence day, and after the fireworks-- which were amazing!-- I saw a Tweet on twitter.
It was the Obama Impeachment Party.
I joined because honestly Obama has done nothing but tear this country apart, and I'd like to see someone seriously consider impeaching him.
So I joined and hash tagged OiP.
And this is a call out for all those out there that are feeling a little squeezed by our Chief of Staff.
Join up-- maybe someone will listen if enough speak up.
Since I have this blog I figure lets do more than just join. I decided to use the forums such as I have to give a call out.
If you disagree-- This is a free country (well it use to be and I want it to be again) you can just ignore my noise, but if you agree then do something.
Make some noise. Cause a ruckus that our 'powers that be' won't be able to ignore.
If it's possible to change and get the congress to listen, then lets do it.
Now Who's With Me?
If you are hash tag #DClisten.
Let's change this. Let's bring our country back to being a free wonderful place that it has been in the past.
WHO'S WITH ME????????????????????
This is Cat, but I've got more to do so I'm not out!
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