This is my sister Chris and her only child Anastasia-- Ana for short . This picture is from Ana's birthday party on Saturday. They are my Saturday miracle. You see I don't usually take pictures, but Saturday & also Monday are very special days. Saturday was the celebration of what actually occurs Monday the 21st.
Last year on Ana's birthday Chris was high on Meth. To make matters worse she and Ana were being threatened to the point of being afraid for their life. Not the best birthday present for then seven year old Ana. For complete understanding of what was happening last year goto: July 22, 2013 For the love of broken children
This year as Ana celebrates being eight years old, my sister celebrates one year clean off of drugs.
She has worked hard. Ana has been through a tough year. Both of them are doing better.
Last year on a very bitter Tuesday, just a day after Ana's seventh birthday I had to make the hardest decision of my life. You can read about it in the post I referenced above. I am the friend I talk about in there.
I choose to commit my sister to a rehab center for both saving her life-- she has a heart condition that Meth could have caused to go in a horrible direction & protecting Ana's life.
My sister hated me. She swore she would never speak to me again. I was sure she wouldn't too. The first week was rough, and the rest of the summer wasn't a piece of cake either. Ana stayed with me for part of the week and with her father for part of the week. It was rough on Chris only visiting Ana and it was hard on Ana being away from her mom.
The drugs hurt Chris's ability to reason or function. She had alot of trouble understanding what was going on. By the time Ana started school in August Ana's father wanted me to commit Chris to a mental institution.
I refused. I was dealing with Chris daily and I saw how hard she was trying and I saw how many people were helping her. There has been a couple from her church that took over as 'Mom' & 'Dad'. They have been the parents I could not be to her and the ones that she lost even while she was a girl. They have spent everyday with Chris and helped her learn to be a good mother. Sue or 'Mom' as Chris calls her has taught Chris to quilt. That has filled her time and helped her make a little bit of money.
But last year I didn't know this birthday would happen, and seeing mother and daughter together happy and excited for life just reminded me of the miracle both really are! I am so grateful for my sister and my niece. Even more I feel so blessed to see the healing that has happened in my sister, and within her motherhood. Today she is a better mother than I've ever seen her be before. Ana is a lively smiling eight year old who's holding her own in school too. Things could have been so much worse. But they are very good, and so----
That was my Saturday miracle-- To remember how bad it was last year and witness how good it was this year. I said a big prayer of grateful praise. And decided this was an awesome story to share. I even told Chris I was going to share her and Ana's story. Hope I put a smile on your face too because the two of them sure put one on my lips Saturday.
This is Cat out wishing you happy blessings!
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