Monday, March 30, 2015


I am trying to work on Patrick's Rose!  Oh we are so close to being done!  And I'm trying to work on Love Never Fails!  But my concentration is failing.  Instead of thinking of the music pouring into my ears and that my daughter's on a date with her boyfriend and that I liked the way he smiled at her.  I think he might be the one. I'm thinking of everything but what I'm suppose to be doing!


I thinking of Easter and how last week really sucked!  The problem is I need to be working on the book instead of even being here writing to whatever audience I have left after being so haphazard with my posts.

In so many places I feel STUCK, just like my titled says.  God keeps telling me to trust Him.  I'm trying.  And I hate that I am always posting about my problems!  It is frustrating to me, and so I am sure it is to others.

But here I a am again.  This is a glorified journal I am beginning to believe.

Well if your interested in my life between my ears-- here you go!  Sorry for the sarcasm but that is me most of the time-- especially lately.  So I thought maybe posting this would get me back to thinking about what I am suppose to be doing and that is writing!  This is short and aggravating.  For that I am sorry, but it is where things are.  Hope you don't mind.
This is Cat out.

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