Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hostage Situation? You decide. Part 1

-What if your sensitive, gentle, eighteen year old daughter was forced to endure three and half days of harsh treatment with no dignity, and very few people that cared about what was going on, or even making sure she had clean clothes, a toothbrush, or a way to bathe herself?

-What if they brought her food, but didn't even ask if there was anything she would like to eat, and only took into account one of her allergies so she couldn't eat part of the meal she was given, and the rest made her pretty sick because she was use to a diet quite different?

-What if you were there with her, and tried to explain the circumstances that brought her there, but you were only half listened to and then lied to?

-What if because they only listened to part of what you said they twisted the story and made assumptions then told others the lies they believed and accused you of lying?

-What if these people were judgmental and demanding of their own ways even though they went against the ways your family has worked?

-What if this place was a hospital that was suppose to be doing good?

-What if the people were well respected doctors and nurses?

-What if you tried to reason with them, but were told you should not speak up for your daughter even though she had asked you to?

-What if they accused you of being a controlling parent and your daughter was told she needed to be more independent?

-What if they frightened your daughter worse than she's ever been frightened before?

-What if they would not let your daughter leave?

-What if they moved her into another part of the hospital where you could only see her for a couple hours of the day?

-What if that was a place where she was afraid for her safety and when you came to see her she was crying and shaking because of the experience?

---Hey this would be a great plot beginning for a novel! Maybe a thriller of some kind?

-What if this is a real life experience?
----Does that make it alright? Would you be alright with this if it were you? What about your daughter? What about your loved one?  Does it even matter who it is?  Should anyone be treat this way?

Because you know what?

It was real life.

Two of my daughters-- Hope & Meg
-It happened to my daughter, and I was the mom in this hypothetical. Everything I said above did happen from Monday to Thursday of this week.

-This is part 1 of a series of blogs I plan to post. In part 2 I will go into more details. We are still shaking off the fear this instilled. Even now as I write about it, my stomach is jumping.

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